
Jan Švejnar: The Sky Is the Limit

5. listopadu 2021

CERGE-EI celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. What was the main need or impulse that led to the founding of the postgraduate economic education institute in the Czech Republic? What were the main challenges? How has the institute changed in the three decades of its existence? CERGE-EI co-founder Jan Švejnar looks back in a vlog.

Číst dál …Jan Švejnar: The Sky Is the Limit


Ole Jann Receives Junior Star Grant

4. listopadu 2021

Assistant Professor Ole Jann, researcher and member of the CERGE-EI faculty, has received the prestigious Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) Junior Star grant for his project in the field of information economics. GAČR received a total of 315 applications, of which 16 were successful. Only two of the successful projects cover fields other than natural sciences.

Číst dál …Ole Jann Receives Junior Star Grant


Open Week: Master’s in Applied Economics

3. listopadu 2021

Are you considering getting a Master’s degree in Economics? Are you interested in contemporary economics? Would you like to study at an economic institute that is ranked among the top 2% in the world according to SSRN? Then don’t miss the opportunity to explore what it is like to be a student of the Master’s in Applied Economics program at CERGE-EI during our Open Week event, which will take place November 8-12, 2021!

Číst dál …Open Week: Master’s in Applied Economics


A Medal of Merit, First Grade for Michal Mejstřík

1. listopadu 2021

On the Day of the Establishment of the Independent Czechoslovak State, president Miloš Zeman recognized twenty-nine people. A Medal of Merit, First Grade, in memoriam, was announced for Michal Mejstřík, former director of CERGE, for merits in the field of science and education. The Medal of Merit is awarded in three grades, First Grade being the highest.

Číst dál …A Medal of Merit, First Grade for Michal Mejstřík


Silvester van Koten: Gas and Electricity Prices Should Go Down Around March 2022

27. října 2021

Electricity prices have tripled compared to last year. Some providers in the Czech Republic went bankrupt. “When will the prices decrease?” asks Katarína Stehlíková in the Talking Economics Podcast with Silvester van Koten.

Číst dál …Silvester van Koten: Gas and Electricity Prices Should Go Down Around March 2022