
Roundtable Debate on the Current Challenges for Czech Economic Policy

29. května 2024

The CERGE-EI Executive and Supervisory Committee will hold a roundtable debate on the current Challenges for Czech Economic Policy in the Context of the Expected Economic Performance of the EU and the US after the Elections on Friday 31 May 2024 in Prague.

The main host and co-moderator of the debate is Prof. Jan Švejnar.

"We want to debate the global economic challenges facing the Czech Republic and the world, firstly the important elections to the European Parliament and later in the autumn the election of the new US President. Both of these events will undoubtedly affect not only political, but above all economic development on the planet. Thanks to our excellent guests, we want to open at least a partial view into the future of what lies ahead and what we need to prepare for," said Jan Švejnar, founder of CERGE-EI.

The debate is for invited guests only.

CERGE EI Roundtable poster