
People of CERGE-EI

12. prosince 2021

"For me, CERGE-EI is very much like a family with multiple generations," says Michael Jetton in an interview for our blog. Michael has been working in various positions at CERGE-EI since 1993.

Číst dál …People of CERGE-EI


Anniversary Wishes: Byeongju Jeong and Alena Bičáková

12. prosince 2021

CERGE-EI celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. What do Byeongju Jeong and Alena Bičáková wish for CERGE-EI in the years to come?

Číst dál …Anniversary Wishes: Byeongju Jeong and Alena Bičáková


Marek Kapička Receives the Czech Science Foundation Grant

12. prosince 2021

Marek Kapička, CERGE-EI's Associate Professor with Tenure, has received the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) grant for his project. His research will provide an analytical framework for studying the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Číst dál …Marek Kapička Receives the Czech Science Foundation Grant


Anniversary Wishes: Gérard Roland and Orley Ashenfelter

10. prosince 2021

CERGE-EI celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Gérard Roland, Professor at the University of California and a member of the Executive and Supervisory Committee (ESC) of CERGE-EI, does not doubt that the next thirty years he will see the institution making even more progress. Orley Ashenfelter, Professor at Princeton University and a former member of the ESC, is proud of his association with CERGE-EI.

Číst dál …Anniversary Wishes: Gérard Roland and Orley Ashenfelter


IDEA Talks: Family Policy in the Czech Republic

10. prosince 2021

How much does the Czech Republic invest in family policy compared to other OECD countries? Are the new government's plans heading in the right direction? In IDEA Talks (in Czech), David Klimeš and Filip Pertold talk about these topics.

Číst dál …IDEA Talks: Family Policy in the Czech Republic