
People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni

15. prosince 2022

Kamil Kovář, our 2022 PhD in Economics graduate, works as Associate Director at Moody’s Analytics Prague. In his work, he focuses on Euro zone macroeconomic outlook. What are the biggest challenges the Euro zone faces in these turbulent times? And what does he like about his work? Read more on our CERGE-EI Blog.

"Earlier in the year it seemed that getting through winter, especially if winter would turn out to be abnormally cold, would be the main challenge. The last few months have dispelled these worries, barring some further and significantly negative shocks. Gas supplies this winter will be sufficient. Even though Europe is still likely to undergo a mild recession, this should be manageable. The focus is shifting back to more medium-term worries – next winter can be a challenge in terms of gas supplies, the European industrial sector might struggle with competitiveness, the political situation could become problematic in face of persistently high energy prices and large migration flows, and debt worries could re-ignite. This list makes it clear that it is hard to be too optimistic about the medium and long-term outlooks for the euro zone," says Kamil.

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