
What happened in May at CERGE-EI

3. června 2023

What happened at CERGE-EI during this month? Check out our media highlights.

May 4, 2023

Michal ŠOLTÉS (ČT24 - Studio 6)

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Michal Šoltés from IDEA at CERGE-EI presented a new study titled "Generations X and Y through the eyes of data: when parents were young like us" on the morning broadcast of CT24. In this study, he analyses data that provides insights into Generations X and Y and compares them with today's young parenting.

8 May 2023

Matěj BAJGAR (Universitás)


This study by Matej Bajgar from CERGE-EI focuses on publication performance of Czech Republic Grant Agency (GACR) panelists and their knowledge of global research in their respective fields. According to this study, expert knowledge and an understanding of the field guides the selection process of grant projects.  Some of these panelists had a scientific outlook that either ended at Czech borders or twenty years ago.

11 May 2023

Klára KALÍŠKOVÁ, Filip PERTOLD and Daniel PROKOP (ČRo Plus)

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A special broadcast of Czech Radio,  Radiožurnál, discussed the impact of government reforms on various population groups. Guests, Jana Klímová, an economic analyst, Daniel Prokop, a sociologist at PAQ Research, and economists Filip Pertold and Klára Kalíšková work at CERGE-EI’s IDEA think-tank.

14 May 2023

Filip PERTOLD (deník Právo)

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In an interview with Právo, Filip Pertold, economist at CERGE-EI’s IDEA and advisor to the Ministry of Labor, justified the need for changes in the pension system. In his opinion, these changes are necessary because of the ageing population and the long-term sustainability of the pension system.

19 May 2023


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Economist Jan Švejnar expressed concern about the government's decision to double the value-added tax (VAT) on printed newspapers in the Czech Republic, which would lead to the highest rate in the entire European Union. The decision has sparked fears of an economic threat to some newspapers in the country. Švejnar said the government should review its decision and consider moving print media to a lower VAT rate.

24 May 2023

Štěpán JURAJDA (L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science)

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Štěpán Jurajda, economist at CERGE-EI, participated in a panel discussion during the announcement of the winners of the 17th edition of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science talent. This programme supports and rewards female scientists and their contributions in various scientific fields.

28 May 2023

Jan ŠVEJNAR (Questions by Václav Moravec, Czech Television)

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Inflation is slowly falling. What can be done to make it fall faster? A discussion took place between economist Jan Švejnar, central bank board member Tomáš Holub and David Marek, a member and president of the advisory boards of the government. Questions made by Václav Moravec on ČT1 and ČT24.