CERGE-EI Media Highlights for November
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>9. prosince 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>The prices on the rise, the interest rates, and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic remained the most frequent of the various topics commented on by our experts for Czech media. Our colleagues from the IDEA think tank also focused on the financial support for students in higher education.
Richard Podpiera: COVID Was Not a Walk in the Park
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>8. prosince 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>"How have banks survived the pandemics? And what are the trends in the banking industry?" In the Talking Economics Podcast, Katarína Stehlíková asks Richard Podpiera, CERGE-EI's Ph.D. Alumnus and ČSOB's Executive Director.
Číst dál …Richard Podpiera: COVID Was Not a Walk in the Park
Anniversary Wishes: Angus Deaton and Paul Milgrom
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>3. prosince 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>CERGE-EI celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Angus Deaton, 2015 Nobel Prize Winner, and Paul Milgrom, 2020 Nobel Prize Winner, wish CERGE-EI another successful 30 years.
The Great Success of CERGE-EI’s Ph.D. Students
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>30. listopadu 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>Ketevani Kapanadze won first place in the Young Economist 2021 competition. Bohdana Kurylo came in second, Sergei Mikhalishchev and Mariia Kosar came in third. Jan Žemlička received the Karel Engliš Prize for the best policy paper. The Czech Economic Society awards these prizes.
Congratulations to our Alumni Excellence Fellowship Recipient
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>29. listopadu 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>We are proud to announce the recipient of the Alumni Excellence Fellowship for 2021/2022: Jiří Grosman. Thanks to CERGE-EI’s Alumni and the Board of Nadace CERGE-EI for sponsoring this award and for their support. Our alumni fundraising call has raised three Alumni Excellence Fellowships since its establishment in 2019.
Číst dál …Congratulations to our Alumni Excellence Fellowship Recipient
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