Standing up to Retraction of Inconvenient Research
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>4. října 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>In February 2021, CERGE-EI’s Vít Macháček and Martin Srholec had their paper entitled “Predatory Publishing in Scopus: Evidence on Cross-country Differences” published in Scientometrics journal, one of the leading scientific journals in the field.
Číst dál …Standing up to Retraction of Inconvenient Research
People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>29. září 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>Ludmila Matysková, one of our 2018 PhD in Economics graduates, has just begun her third year at the Institute for Microeconomics at the University of Bonn. Why did she choose Game Theory as her field of study and what aspects of her PhD studies have influenced her the most? Read the latest interview published on the CERGE-EI blog.
Postdoctoral Placement at Paris School of Economics for Branka Matyska
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>24. září 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>Branka Matyska (2021 PhD in Economics graduate) started a postdoctoral position at the Paris School of Economics in July 2021.
Číst dál …Postdoctoral Placement at Paris School of Economics for Branka Matyska
PhD and MAER Orientation Week
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>22. září 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>On September 20, the Orientation Week for the MA in Economic Research and PhD in Economics programs began, with students coming to CERGE-EI for official registration.
Švejnar-Terrell Teaching Prize for 2020/2021 Goes to Ctirad Slavík and Paolo Zacchia
// CREATION DATE // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>17. září 2021
// CREATION DATE MOVED UP ?>It is a pleasure to announce that the Jan Švejnar and Katherine Terrell Teaching Prize at CERGE-EI for the 2020/2021 academic year was awarded jointly to faculty members Ctirad Slavík (macroeconomics) and Paolo Zacchia (statistics). Congratulations!
Číst dál …Švejnar-Terrell Teaching Prize for 2020/2021 Goes to Ctirad Slavík and Paolo Zacchia
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