November at CERGE-EI
5. prosince 2022
What happened at CERGE-EI in the month of November 2022? Which event did we attend? Which one of our researchers appeared in the significant media? What events did we organize? Read some more.
1st November
CERGE-EI at the Education Fair in Brno
For the historic first time in many years, we are offering study programmes along with 17 other faculties of Charles University at education fairs such as GAUDEAMUS.
2nd November
Huge interest in early retirement
Filip Pertold, an economist and a member of the pension reform advisory team, answers Lucie Borhyová’s questions for the TV NOVA news. The questions respond to several studies conducted by ThinkTank IDEA, of which Dr. Pertold is a member, in recent years.
2nd November
We are gripped by vast uncertainty
Jan Švejnar in an interview for Reflex magazine
"It is not a catastrophe yet; but we are gripped by a vast uncertainty. We are seeing consequences of the Covid that are very evident in China for example, which is the second largest economy in the world, and its economic slowdown could have significant consequences for everyone. The effects of the war in Ukraine, the Russian roulette with energy prices, inflation, but also the US-China war in the technology sector take place as well. Geopolitically and economically the world is at a new level, it is vacillating. People are anxious and worried which is intensified by the media. The United States and Europe may go into economic recession, businesses may go bankrupt, unemployment may rise, living standards may fall. All of this is leading to unprecedented uncertainty.", Jan Švejnar.
3rd November
The genius who invented the system of pension indexation in the Czech Republic
„I have to say that the system of indexation of Czech pensions was devised by a really very big genius in 2011“, writes economist Filip Pertold for Britské Listy.
4th November
The Czech National Bank's Bank Board has kept the base interest rate at seven per cent despite the rising inflation
Are central bankers responding adequately to rising inflation? Why is the inflation in the Czech Republic almost twice as high than the eurozone average? The Former Central Bank Governor Jiří Rusnok and Jan Švejnar, the director of the IDEA think-tank at the CERGE-EI economic institute, were invited to participate in the debate. See the video.
15th November
New episode of IDEATalk
David Klimeš talks to Filip Pertold, the author of the study, about the study "Energy price increase and housing allowance increase in January 2022: Did it help?" in the #IDEATalks video.
Read the full study.
22nd November
Where we are and where we are heading
At 3:00 pm, a panel discussion was held at CERGE-EI that was also a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the CERGE-EI's founders‘ birth, Jan Švejnar. It was also a look back at 30 years of CERGE-EI's operation. The event was attended by leading Czech economists, mostly former students or colleagues of Jan Švejnar.
The most frequent sentence that was heard: "Thanks Jan, you and CERGE-EI have changed my life."
26th November
To "NaKarlovku"
CERGE-EI also at a major presentation of all Charles University faculties’ study programmes.
12th Biennial of the Czech Economic Society
The President of the Czech Economic Society Daniel Münich awarded the Kateřina Šmídková Prize to Monika Mrázová for her long-term contribution to the development of Czech economic education and to prof. Avner Shaked (University of Bonn), a visiting professor and a member of the CERGE-EI‘ s Executive and Supervisory Board.
The Czech Economic Society awarded prizes for young economists as well. The first prize/place was awarded to Jan Hanousek jr. for his paper "Social Networks and Strategic Behavior. Second place/price went to Azizbek Tokhirov for his thesis on "Female Labor Supply Consequences of Ethnic Riots. Third prize/place went to Ante Šterc, from CERGE-EI again, for his paper "Limited Consideration in the Investment Fund Choice".
1st December
Webinar on parental allowance
At the beginning of December, ThinkTank Idea held a webinar on the new study "The Impact of the Parental Allowance Increase on Women's Labour Market Participation", where the authors Filip Pertold and Michal Šoltés presented the latest findings of the study for example the impact of the parental allowance prompt increase on the labour market.