The Renovated Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI Library Was Reopened to the Public
6. března 2024
After a year and a half of renovations, CERGE-EI’s library opened its doors to the public again on 4 March, 2024.
The renovation project included a number of new features designed to engage and delight users, such as a 24/7 hands-on PC lab, a collaborative research space, and expanded visitor amenities, such as a dedicated quiet reading area and more places for individual study.
Established in 1992, CERGE-EI's library has grown into a rich resource of modern economics literature, housing an extensive international collection of over 100,000 volumes of monographs, journals, statistical publications, reference materials, dissertations, and working and discussion papers produced by leading global academic institutions. The Library mainly serves academics, researchers, and students of CERGE-EI, members of other units of Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, as well as other professional and general public audience.
Since 2016, the library has borne the name of Jan Kmenta (1928-2016), one of the most influential economists of Czech origin and the author of the internationally respected textbook Elements of Econometrics, which has been used by universities worldwide. Prof. Kmenta long served as a visiting professor at CERGE-EI and as a member of its Executive and Supervisory Committee. For more information on Jan Kmenta’s life and achievements, please visit our blog. The Jan Kmenta Library Fund commemorates Professor Kmenta and his outstanding contributions to the CERGE-EI community.
Library collections:
- Books reflecting the CERGE PhD and MAER programs, focusing on economic fields such as macro- and microeconomics, econometrics, monetary economics, labor market economics, international trade, statistics, banking, finance, etc.
- Books for the Undergraduate Program in Central European Studies (UPCES)
- CERGE-EI working papers and publications of other economic institutions such as NBER, World Bank, UNCTAD, CEPR, IMF, WDI, Czech National Bank, etc.
- Publications of the IDEA Think Tank, A Project of the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- CERGE dissertations
- Archives of historical economic publications, including books taken over from the former Economics Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
The Library provides access to relevant economic and other scientific licensed databases:
All major online databases of international scientific journals are available through grant-assisted consortia, including ScienceDirect, EconLit, Web of Science, Scopus, JSTOR, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library etc. The complete current list of databases with direct links can be found at
Lending Library Opening Hours
Monday-Thursday: 10:00-17:00
Friday: 10:00-15:00
Saturday, Sunday, Public holidays: closed
PC Lab Opening Hours
24/7 for CERGE-EI affiliates
P.O.Box 882
Politickych veznu 7
111 21 Prague 1
(+420) 224 005 145 (ENG) (CZ)