Čtvrtek, 16. března, 2023

14:00 | Pro uchazeče o studium

Meet our Students Online: Nino Shoshiashvili

Are you wondering what it's like to study at CERGE-EI?
You´re welcome to join Nino´s presentations on March 16 at 2:00 p.m. (CET)
She will share her personal experience and answer all your questions.


Presenter: Nino Shoshiashvili
Online link for the presenation:

meet our students nino 2

15:00 | Pro uchazeče o studium

Meet our Students Online: Davit Hovsepyan

Are you wondering what it's like to study at CERGE-EI?
You´re welcome to join Davit´s presentations on March 16 at 3:00 p.m. (CET)
He will share his personal experience and answer all your questions.


Presenter: Davit Hovsepyan
Online link for the presenation: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/2896653735?pwd=Y0F1MFZ6MHZQN1lZQlZwek9ncGswdz09

meet our students davit h